TCP/Connect II includes the informational utilities Finger, Lookup Host, Lookup User, Ping, and Whois. This chapter explains how to obtain information about users logged on to remote hosts using those utilities.
9.1 Using Finger
This section discusses the Finger utility.
ツ The Finger utility allows you to obtain information about
users who are logged on to remote hosts. You can obtain
information on a specific user or on each user logged on to
the specified remote system. You can also get information
about many systems by fingering them without a user.
To use the Finger utility:
1. Choose Finger窶ヲ from the Services menu.
竏 The Finger dialog is displayed.
2. In the Host to finger field, enter the name or IP address of the
host you want to obtain information about.
3. In the User to finger field, enter the username of the person you
want to obtain information about. This field is optional.
4. Click OK. (Or click Cancel to close the dialog without fingering
a host.)
竏 Information is displayed about the specified user or host.
ツ Depending on the data entered in the Finger dialog,
different information is displayed.
9.2 Using Lookup
This section describes how to use Lookup Host and how to configure and use Lookup User.
9.2.1 Using Lookup Host
This section explains how to use the Lookup Host utility to obtain information.
ツ The Lookup Host utility allows you to obtain an IP address
by providing the name of a host or vice versa.
ツ You can use Lookup Host only if your current network
configuration is set to MacTCP.
To use the Lookup Host utility:
1. Choose Lookup Host窶ヲ from the Services menu.
竏 The Lookup Host dialog is displayed.
2. In the Host name or IP address to look up field, enter the name
of a host or an IP address.
3. Click Lookup Address or Lookup Name. (Or click Cancel to
close the dialog without specifying a host.)
竏 Lookup information is displayed.
ツ Depending on the data entered in the Host name or IP
address to look up field, different information is displayed.
4. Click OK when you are done viewing the information.
竏 The information window is closed.
9.2.2 Configuring Lookup User
Before the Lookup User utility can be used, Lookup must be configured to communicate with a PH server.
To configure the Lookup User utility:
1. Open the Lookup configuration panel.
2. In the Lookup (PH) Server Name or IP Address field, enter the
name or IP address of a PH server.
Choose a host from the Lookup pop-up menu.
3. Close the TCP/Connect II Configuration window.
竏 Your configuration changes are saved.
9.2.3 Using Lookup User
This section explains how to use the Lookup User utility to obtain information.
ツ The Lookup User utility allows you to obtain information
from a PH server about a person from a computer running a
PH server.
ツ You must select a PH server before you can use this utility.
See Section 9.2.2, Configuring Lookup User , for more
To use the Lookup User utility:
1. Choose Lookup User窶ヲ from the Services menu.
竏 The Lookup window is displayed.
2. In the Key field, enter the name of the user you want to obtain
information on.
3. Click Find. (Or close the window to cancel the lookup.)
竏 Lookup information is displayed.
ツ When multiple entries are found that match the specified
text in the Key field, use Next and Previous to move
through found entries.
9.3 Using Ping
This section explains how to use the Ping utility to obtain information.
ツ Ping allows you to find out if a host is active on a network.
ツ You can use Ping only if your current network configuration
is set to MacTCP.
To use the Ping utility:
1. Choose Ping窶ヲ from the Services menu.
竏 The Ping dialog is displayed.
2. In the Host to ping field, enter the name or IP address of the
host you want to ping.
竏 Information about the specified host is displayed.
3. Click OK when you are finished viewing the information.
竏 The information dialog is closed.
9.4 Using Whois
This section details how to use the Whois utility to obtain directory information.
ツ Whois allows you to communicate with a Whois server that
provides directory services to Internet users.
To use the Whois utility:
1. Choose Whois窶ヲ from the Services menu.
竏 The Whois dialog is displayed.
2. In the Host to query field, enter the name or IP address of the
Whois server.
3. In the Name to ask about field, enter the name of the person or
company you are seeking information about.
竏 Information about the specified person or company is